Monday, December 7, 2009

This Post Has No Title

I figured I should update seeing as it's been more than a month. Only problem is there isn't really anything worth writing about. Everything has felt somewhat surreal since I came back. I think it stems from the difference in workload I've had. I was so busy getting things done before break, and now I don't have all that much left to do. It's just weird.
We got our first snow this Saturday, though it was pretty much gone by Sunday morning.
Oh, I would appreciate it if I could get some gift suggestions, I have no idea what anyone wants. Also, we should figure out what the plan for getting me home is.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Well it wasn't Marburg

Good news! Whatever it was that I had seems to have the building. Actually that's a bad metaphor, seeing as a couple of our neighbors seen to have picked it up...
Speaking of viruses, The Hot Zone is an awesome and terrifying book, especially because a lot of what happened wasn't far from where we live. Anywho, I find myself writing this entry because I am procrastinating, and I need to do other stuff.
Oh, and what is with this night time at 5:00? So freaking confusing...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shit, Shit, SHIIT!!!!

So I'm pretty sure I've caught it...Fuck.
What should I do? I know I should call health services...but the rather extreme precautions they take would really screw things up for me. I've got a ton of stuff to do and this is really gonna screw things up.
What really pisses me off is that I'm pretty sure I caught it from Dave. He's been consistently hacking up a lung the past few days...
Shit, shit, shit! I'm really scared, what do you think I should do?

PS: Is it ironic that I started reading The Hot Zone last night? In any case, that's not really helping me calm down...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hey, sorry I forgot about the list:
The blue pillow-armchair-type-thing in my room
Can you go into the basement and look for the box for the first raving rabbids game? I think Wii sports resort may be in it. if so, plz bring it.
My tall painting, should be leaning against fireplace
Black painting, should be close to tall one
What would be the best way to hang them?
some of those tupperware things from the chinese place
My other pairs of sweat pants
Prayer flags, hanging on ceiling hook in my room, behind door.

That's all for now!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

At the risk of sounding crazy, I've rplaced my toes with grapes!

Don't worry, it's just a quote. Sorry it's been so long since I updated, I've either been busy with work, busy with friends, or just lazy. Nothing much to report, it's pretty much been business as usual. Courtney, Allie, and I went to see the first N2O (Conn's improv comedy club) of the school year on Friday, and it was absolutely hysterical. The three of us have been spending lots of time together, usually watching Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's great fun and has provided us with a mountain of inside jokes, such as the title of this post.
In other news, the weather has been cold and rainy recently, very New England-like. The worst part is in the morning, because it's so dark you just want to stay in bed.
I'm currently compiling a list of things I'd like you to bring up, I'll post it when I'm done.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Planning and Relapse

My, my, October already? Time certainly does fly. Several things I'd like to mention, most of them concerning my visit home next week. Firstly, I have a bit of a dilemma, in that there are a bunch of things I'd like to bring back with me. The Wii doesn't pose a problem, but I also want to bring my wood carving tools, and some of my paintings (by which I mean the 3' by 3' one and the 3' by 1' one). Any suggestions for how to transport these? I was thinking that I could probably fit the Wii and the tools in the large duffel, but I dunno about the paintings.
Secondly, how will I be getting home? I assume the train, and if that's the case who is gonna get the ticket? Will I have to? If so, please send me instructions on how to do it.

In other news, now that my job is over and Miranda and I have been apart for a prolonged period of time, I find my desire to play WoW returning...which may lead to trouble...hard to say at this time.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Falcon...Punch! And also Most Haunted

Super Smash Brothers is fun, but it makes my thumbs hurt...It's a nice change to play against someone other than Alex, cause now I actually have a shot at winning!

Speaking of nothing in particular, Most Haunted on Friday night was awesome. For those who don't know, Most Haunted is a show about a bunch of British folks who (normally) travel around the UK, stay overnight in various ancient/historical locations, and frequently get the shit scared out of them. Anyway, Friday's episode was a special Most Haunted USA. Here's where things get crazy/awesome. Of all the countless haunted locations they could have investigated, it just so happened that they chose NEW LONDON LEDGE LIGHT!! You know, that red one you pass every time you take the Fisher's Island Ferry? The one I can see from campus on a clear day? Yeah, that one. They were there. Was it coincidence, or providence? Who knows, but either way it was awesome.
Apparently the Ledge is haunted by a ghost known as "Ernie," though Mediums consistently come up with the name John Randolf. The story goes that while on duty as keeper, John discovered that his wife had eloped with another man. John was so devastated by the news that he ascended to the top of the lighthouse and jumped to his death. Others say that he slit his throat before jumping. The legend is apparently well known, despite there being no historical record of a keeper of the Ledge named John Randolf. 'Tis a mystery!
Ok, that's all the random I've got for you today.


Well, since everyone else in my family is starting one I figured what the hell. This space will be used for information on my escapades at college, as well as any other randomness I deem worthy of being put here. So yeah, awesome. Stay tuned!